Information Technology Employment Assessments
Information Technology careers involve dealing with a wide range of issues, having excellent people skills, understanding of general business management, and technical expertise. All these attributes are equally important! Can you gather all of that information from a resume and interview alone? The potential applicant pool is so large...why not let us help you find the right candidate? Issuing Industry Specific employment assessments can help you weed out the applicants that do not have the necessary skills and abilities.
We offer multiple tests that cover a wide variety of jobs that encompass the Information Technology Industry. Follow the links to learn more about our Information Technology Industry test sections.
Our Information Technology Employment Test Options:
- 10 Key Speed
- Administrative Assistant
- Data Entry
- Typing Speed
- Work Ethic
- Workplace Personality
- Workplace Skills
Remember each test is customizable to fit your specific hiring needs and a custom Target Range can be built into any test to encompass the traits that are important to your organization! Hire smarter!
You Can also Create Your Own Custom Assessment!
Our “Out of the Box” assessments are flexible enough to be combined with any number of Cognitive or Behavioral sections to create a Custom Assessment.