Behavioral Hiring Assessments

First, write the job description...check! Second, post the job...check! Third, determine required traits and characteristics...check!
Over 25 resumes and 25 cover letters later.... now what?

Interview all of them...who has the time?

Everyone looks great on paper and interviewing only gives a sneak peek of what a candidate may or may not be able to do. Behavioral based pre employment screening helps eliminate the guesswork in the interviewing process.

The Logic Behind Pre-Employment Testing

The logic behind behavioral based questioning is that an applicant’s behavioral traits will help predict their future performance. The goal is to pick the specific behavioral traits that are related to the success in the job you are hiring for. Then, measure your applicants and see how they stack up against your top performers. Our built in Target Range feature will allow you to quickly see if an applicant will measure up to your current all-stars. Set custom Target Ranges for every job you hire for or for every assessment you issue!

Our Behavioral test sections can be combined together with any number of Cognitive test sections to provide a powerful hiring assessment geared for your specific hiring needs. After the applicant finishes an assessment a report is generated complete with the applicant's score summary and performance!!

Below is a list of our available Behavioral Assessment Sections:

Create Your Own Custom Assessment!

Our “Out of the Box” assessments are flexible enough to be combined with any number of Cognitive or Behavioral sections to create a Custom Assessment.